Sunday, November 23, 2008

Shiver me timbers!

Somali "islamists" who have been cooperating to impose a sharia law government in that nation have vowed to attack pirates who have taken over a Saudi oil tanker. In islam, it is a capital offense to engage in piracy.

islam proscribes the eating of pork, which was often infected with the trichinella parasite. Trichinella has been largely eliminated by modern food preparation technology.  This former muslim was achin' for some bacon this a.m.!

islam bans the consumption of strong drinks made from grapes, wheat, barley, honey, or corn. But the all-knowing, all-powerful allah apparently forgot to mention alcohol made from rice and sugar cane. Alcohol had not always been banned in islamic law but was gradually prohibitted over time in the hadith.  islamic "heaven" has "rivers of the finest wine" - non-alcoholic, of course, because we wouldn't want a bunch of drunken martyrs having illicit sex with those 72 virgins. Shortly before September 11, 2001, several aspiring muslim murderers got sloppy drunk in a strip club.  I'm still searching the qur'an for the "I'm flying an airplane into a building next week" exception to the sex and alcohol rule. This former muslim never passes up the free beer at the Genentech Ho Ho's!

islam prohibits suicide, but apparently not suicide bombings...of other muslims.

islam prohibits interest on loans.  Well sign me up for a few million dollars!  I'll pay you back in a few years after the stock market and housing prices are back up. With inflation, the dollars I re-pay you with will be worth less than the dollars you loaned me.

islam prohibits business dealings with Christians and Jews.  Gee, I wonder where that oil tanker was headed?

I know, I know...some muslim "scholar" will try to de-bunk everything I've said and quote chapter and verse from the qur'an or hadith.  I've heard this all before.  Anyone who has ever read the qur'an or hadith knows they were just making it up as they went along, so why would a contemporary islamic "scholar" be any different?

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